Lightened with His Glory


Why is this subject important?

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The history and content of the 1888 message are of keen interest to Seventh-day Adventists around the world. Ellen White has said repeatedly that failure to understand and to accept that message has greatly retarded the progress of the church and delayed the triumph of the "everlasting gospel" message.

In our modern day, schisms, apostasies, fanaticisms, conflicting interpretations of the prophecies, and the inroads of the so-called "new theology," have plagued the Church. The resultant loss of ministers and members has been heavy. These many problems are related to confusion and misconception of the 1888 history and message.

Those who believe the New Testament recognize that the Jews rejected and crucified their Messiah. If the Jewish nation should wish to get right with God, would it not be a good idea for them to understand that mistake and repent of it?

If we wish to get right with the Lord, would it not be wise for us to understand our history and accept His gift of repentance? "We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us and His teaching in our past history". It would follow logically that we have everything to fear if we forget our past and disregard" His teaching on our past history."

It is encouraging to remember that Jesus promised that "ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." As we near the end of time, more and more truth will come to light, for Jesus said, "All power is given to me in heaven and in earth." Every truth-seeker in the world can be conforted by His assurance that if we ask for bread, He will never give us a stone.

Especially in respect of the heartwarming 1888 message, a growing number of scores of thousands of Seventh-day Adventists in many countries are now discovering that it is indeed what Ellen White said it is, "most precious." They love its Good News. It has renewed their confidence in the Lord's leading and in the future triumph of His work. They see the leading of the Lord in the history of this church, and are encouraged to believe that He will bring the good ship that bears the people of God safely into port. Many testify that this message has saved them from leaving the Church in discouragement.

Best of all, the 1888 message is glorious good news of salvation through faith alone, a message of deliverance from the controlling power of sin, a message of spiritual hope. It is a clearer understanding of the "everlasting gospel" as it is related to the unique Adventist truth of the cleansing of the sanctuary. It is a truth which has been entrusted to Seventh-day Adventists. "This is the message that God commanded to be given to the world".

Can all the powers of hell prevent this message going to the ends of the earth as the Lord commanded that it should go? The answer is no. Nevertheless, there are questions, perplexities, and objections that sincere people have. These we wish to consider.